02 September 2018 | A Vacation Message & How Much You Spend On Driving An Electric Car
Results Of Question Of The Week with MYEV.com | How Much Do You Spend On EV Driving | Did You Home Energy Bill Change? | And A New Question Of The Week For Your To Answer
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Well good morning, good afternoon and good evening, wherever you are in the world, hello and welcome to the Sunday 2nd September edition of EV News Daily. It’s Martyn Lee here with the news you need to know about electric cars and the move towards sustainable transport.
Thank you to MYEV.com for helping make this show, they’ve built the first marketplace specifically for Electric Vehicles. It’s a totally free marketplace that simplifies the buying and selling process, and help you learn about EVs along the way too.
Your Answers To Question Of The Week…
Hello from vacation! Somewhere in the middle of the North Sea (that’s the bit between the UK and the rest of Europe!) Currently sailing due north, it’s sunny and calm. And if you’re listening to this it means the worlds slowest satellite internet is working!
The question about increases in electricity misses the whole picture. Your electric bill will go up, but your gas (petrol) bill goes down. For instance my family drove 28,916 miles in 2017, using 9.8MWh (9,800kWh). That means I used $1,078 more electricity above my household needs (9800*$0.11/kWh), but to drive the same distance on gasoline, I would have burned 904 gallons at an average cost of $2.28/gallon (yeah, real cheap compared to UK), or $2,061. So, while my utility bill was 25% higher, my "fuel" bill for our cars went to $0, meaning a net savings of $983 for the year.
I wanted to drop you a quick note regarding a couple of topics (which actually go hand in hand), but regarding your question of the week:
I have actually seen a negative drop in my power bill since purchasing my 2015 Smart Fortwo EV back in June of this year. During the month of August, I used just over 55 kwh charging my car at home. At our current rate of roughly 9 cents per hour, that cost me just over $5. But here's the best part: my local electric utility offers a personal EV discount rider, which lowers the amount I pay per kilowatt hour to about 1/3 of the usual rate between the hours of 9:00pm and 5:00am. Thanks to the rider, we've seen our power bill DROP by roughly 30% the past three months - all thanks to my little Smart Fortwo!
Enjoy the show each day, keep up the great work spreading the news about the benefits of going green!
For your weekly question, it cost me about 350$/year @ 20,000km (8¢ per kwh tariff of Hydro-Québec), which is also cheap...
I drive a 2017 Renault Zoe (ZE40). I drive less than 200 miles in a typical week when I am at home and just doing a little driving around town.
So one full charge is sufficient. If I charge at home it costs me about £6:00. When I am travelling longer distances, or parked in the city centre, I use public charging stations. Where I live, in the North of Ireland, these are still free to use. So the total impact on my electricity bill would be about £25 per month if I didn’t have access to free chargers.
I spend about $20 to $25 a month to charge my e-Golf. My town's electricity supply is 100% renewable, mostly from wind. The town provides no time of use plan, so I pay the Tier II cost of $0.193/kWh (since I exceed the 300 kWh Tier I amount every month). My total electricity bill did go up since I ditched petrol, but my other electrical draws cost about $45 to $50 a month, so my bill is reasonable. I have looked into solar, but with my current electrical spend, it doesn't make financial sense right now.
Hi Martyn, As a 2 EV family we've seen no noticeable increase in our electric bill.
We have a 30kw & a 22kw Zoe. Both get charged mostly once per week. I make the most of local free charging and a Polar subscription means I can charge at the local rapid for a little less than home. Although costs increase a little in winter we look to the savings the cars make us rather than any slight increase in the bill.
To give you another data point for your weekly question about average energy consumption, I live in Costa Rica and have a 2nd hand 2013 Nissan Leaf. My average energy consumption at home (excluding the few instances I use public chargers) is 117.48 kWh. Since I charge at night and have a tiered rate, that translates into an average of US$7.95 on electricity for my monthly transportation!
Hi, Martyn, great show, love to listen it everyday!
I’m happy to tell you that in the Québec province where I live electricity is cheap and clean. 97% of the electricity generated comes from hydroelectric plants and it only costs me C$ 35/month to plug my car every single night after running 130Km daily!
Hi, great to listen to EV news of my daily commute , these are my facts and figures for my EV. I bought my second hand 2014 ,24KW Nissan leaf in December 2017, and its saved me a great deal of money on my fuel costs alone . I used to run a petrol Mazda and get about 35mpg
May mileage was 1284.6 miles , electricity cost was £39.50, petrol cost would have been £214
June mileage was 1081.7 miles electricity cost was £33.81, petrol cost would have been £180
July mileage was 1334.1miles , electricity cost was £40.42, petrol cost would have been £222
Plus no road fund licence, low service costs , the car is perfect for my daily needs.
LEAF owner. Over 3 years 18MWh of energy. But it is over 91 000 km. Plus 0.5MWh from DC chargers. That means... with my heavy foot and cold winters... Leaf actually consumes 20kWh per 100km. That is 10 eurocents per kWh for me. That means 2€ per 100km.
Cincinnati, Ohio USA
$.08 per kw and $1.45 to fully charge at about 19 kW down from 24 kW with battery degradation. usually we have about five or 6 miles range once we plug in our 2011 Nissan Leaf. By my estimation we are paying about 1/3 of the price of gasoline. We also opted in with the program to use electricity from renewable energy from our grid.
Enjoy the trip Martin!
Regards running cost p/w.. under a fiver.. previous gas guzzler inc car tax... £55.00 so a tidy £200 p/m saving .. nice (not ice)
Hi Martyn, when I went EV about 3.5 years ago I noticed quite quickly that my energy bill went up about £20-£30 a month, was quite a shock, being a dad already paranoid about lights left on and fridge doors being left open, but I had to remind myself I was spending £190 a month on diesel not long before.
Now it’s settled to a quite predictable £20 and I charge often at my employers for £1 a pop, maybe only plug in at home 2-3 times a week and cover 17,000 miles a year for about £300 in fuel cost
Happy days
I've done 10k miles in my Leaf at a cost of £148, most of my charging is done at home but some of it was for free from Nissan dealers and supermarkets. Didn't change my tariff just stayed on standard dual fuel.
On the Q about how much my electric bill went up when I got the Leaf I'm pleased to report that it didn't. At that same time, I retrofitted the whole house with LED bulbs and have found that the plus and minus loads have canceled each other out. OK, it was a capital expense for the bulbs but that can be ignored long term.
I spend between $0 and $15 a month on my modelS. But it has free supercharging and that accounts for 70% of my charging. Another 20% is done for free, to me, at my place of work. The 10% I use at my home is mostly done on my solar.. but occasionally I have had to juice her up at home for a trip, and the 100kw battery goes beyond even what I over produce for my home if I need to fill it from a low SoC.
In Seattle I spent $3 US a week to charge my Fiat 500e for the past 1.5 years. I've had my Long Range Model 3 about 3 weeks, 1800 miles, and it's about $6 US per week so far. My VW Jetta 1.8T took premium gas at about $4 US per gallon and would get me about 28 miles. I have to admit with the Model 3 I've been driving a lot more than usual 😋 I can travel 140 miles each way to visit my daughter at college and arrive home with 25% charge remaining 👍🏻
My husband and I both own a BMW i3 Rex. We have owned then for about 2 years now. His fuel costs when he drove the ford escape/kuga to work were about $350/month. Now his commute only cost about 30-40 dollars. The electric and fuel prices have remained relatively the same between the and now. I only contribute about $10 to the power bill. And we pay around $0.09/kWh average.
I spend an average of under $2 a day charging our car- on night rate off peak power. That’s much less than half what I would spend for the equivalent distance on petrol.
I have 2 EV's (24Kwh leaf and 15Kwh Peugeot Ion) for almost 3 years. Always charged at home on an economy 7 tarrif and while the domestic electricity bill must have increased i haven't noticed it. Total outlay for transport has dropped massively compared to running the previous 2 x 2.0 diesel cars (due to urban driving patterns neither diesel car got above 35mpg most of the time). Now we're on economy7, all the domestic machines (dishwasher, washing machine, tumble dryer) also now gone on at night time only to maximise the savings.
Initially our electric bill went down slightly as we moved to Eco 7 and reaped the benefits of our 2.75 kW solar system. That was 4 1/2 years ago now it's difficult to tell as we are now fully EV covering 26 k miles in our 24 kWh Leaf & 40 kWh Zoe but we are paying £140 for gas / elect on a 4 bed house with Ecotricity in the East of England which I think is good. It is less than what our petrol bill for two 50 mpg cars would be for that mileage. As a side note we got PV when the FIT tariffs were high and that covers our household energy bills for the year which obviously includes our motoring electricity.
And thanks to MYEV.com they’ve set us another Question Of The Week. Keep your comments coming in on email and YouTube…
China reach one million first, Europe just reached one million, and USA is soon hit the one million EVs on the road. What is stopping you? And if you’re an electric driver, why didn’t you do it quicker?
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