California Sets 2030 Target, Porsche 911 PHEV and Global EV Sales | 28 Jan 2018

Episode 11,   Jan 28, 2018, 12:01 AM

California Governor Jerry Brown signs an executive order which commits the state to 3 million zero-emission vehicles on the roads by 2030.

And not to be out done, Colorado is in the news with their own 2030 target.

In Scotland, UK, a housing developer says all new builds will have the cabling infrastructure in place for 7kW chargers.

Porsche CEO Oliver Blume see the car market in 3 sectors, find out where he thinks EVs will fit in. Plus news about the next generation of Porsche 911 which will be a PHEV.

Superbowl transport gets electrified.

And finally global EV sales are in for 2017. Will BYD maintain their lead or will Tesla take the top spot?


Thank you for listening today, I hope you've enjoyed it. We'd love to spread the word about electric cars so please do share this with at least one person who might be interested. You can listen to all of our previous podcasts as well. And together, let's the change the World one electric mile at a time. Have a wonderful day, and I'll see you tomorrow.