Episode 3: Say yes and figure it out later

Oct 11, 2018, 08:14 AM

The podcast that slick, high quality production values forgot. In this episode I'm joined by Sophie Hargraves, creative coach, entrepreneur, mum, rebel marketeer and soon-to-be broadcaster. Um yeah, so the recording cut us off sooner than we wanted but what can you expect from someone who's trying to record a podcast while lying back in a chair, eyes closed, lashes standing up like soldiers on a piece of silicon stuck to my eyelid? Exactly. If that hasn't put you off, hurrah! Come on in and have a listen.
FYI, Sophie is the founder of The Gellie Hut (Insta @thegelliehut)
You can get hold of me here:
Instagram @theterrifiedwriter
Twitter @Annhirst