Women in general practice | The wider team: Robert MacGibbon

May 19, 2021, 05:19 PM


Robert MacGibbon recalls his conception of the receptionist role

The wider team 

Image credit: Hanover House Practice waiting room sign, Sharon Messenger 

I envisaged that the receptionist would be much more empowered, not just to ‘I can make you an appointment for a doctor in three weeks’ time,’ or something, you know, kind of negative way that – good reception work is so important and that’s kind of navigating a practice, and I’ve been involved in designing Health Centres and it’s very difficult to make the reception desk as confidential as possible, and yet open, and it’s a big problem that.  But for the receptionist to pick that up, and say, ‘Look, I think you need to talk about this, separately, can you come round the corner?  And I’ll leave the desk here and I’ll come and talk to you about that.’ – obvious things, like getting a cervical smear test done, or I don’t know, sex, or mental health, all these things which people come to the doctor every day with. So I think we GPs could have done better.  I know that my own practice, the reception desk was completely open.  I wouldn’t particularly, I might feel embarrassed about some rather more intimate thing, about peeing at night or something, you know, you know, everyday things, or even when I come to College, and we haven’t done enough on that, of reception work. 
Please note that the views expressed in these recordings are those of the interviewees, within their historical context, and may not represent RCGP views or policy.