Women in general practice | Women as patients: Maggie Eisner

May 19, 2021, 05:29 PM

Maggie Eisner discusses the feminisation of general practice with Amanda Howe.

Women as patients 

Image credit: Under Wraps by Liz Lee and Susie Freeman ©2021 Chloe Stewart 

The feminisation of general practice is something which considerably worries me.  I would rather have a gender balance in general practice and that is partly because of gender-based styles, and how some people would like to have somebody doing a more brisk, ‘masculine’ thing.  If you ever watch videos of two men doing a consultation – it is quite different, or it can be quite different and it’s been said that the style of consultation promoted by the CSA exam was a middle class, female style of consultation, and I’ve been highly amused by videos of consultations between men talking about manly things in a manly way, but communicating much, much better than they would do if they came to see me.  So a little bit of banter about the football, for example. 
Please note that the views expressed in these recordings are those of the interviewees, within their historical context, and may not represent RCGP views or policy.