Fallen Woman #240 ~ Unmothered Child part 2

May 21, 2021, 01:48 PM

Featuring the part 2 & final
episode special to provide
validating comfort dedicated
to my fellow unmothered,
neglected and disregarded
former children from the
toxic womb via:
Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estés,
and her Jungian anthology
“Warming the Stone Child.”
Tonight features the tales:
The Stone Child and The
Fisherman’s Wife, teaching
us that we cannot heal the
things we don’t feel - so 
feeling the wound is crucial &
be proud of your battle scars
as they are a roadmap into
the deep self. This Inuit story
sheds light onto the sensitive
psychic child who battles
the orphan infant hunger.
We end the hour with gentle
tunes to heal the void 🙏🏼✨
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