Thursday, May 27: Too Much Coffee; The Pizza Czar; How Close Are We To Legal Weed?

May 27, 2021, 03:53 PM

Chaz and AJ can't understand why no one has been apprehended or identified as the perpetrator in the Amazon construction scandal. Amazon owns an entire company, that makes security cameras! (0:00)
A lot of coffee is consumed each morning during the show, so Chaz and AJ had a PSA about coffee and caffeine, and when to know it's too much. (13:50)
Anthony Falco is a "pizza czar," he was on the phone to explain how he wound up with that title, and why a strange picture was chosen for the cover of his book. (22:03)
Joe "the weed guy" LaChance was on to try and help Chaz and AJ identify the right person in the CT House of Representatives to talk to about the pending bill. The call started with a dog fight outside, and finally ended with the correct name. (30:09)
Jason Rojas is the Majority Leader in the House of Representatives, and had the answers Chaz and AJ were looking for about the legal weed bill. It took almost the entire week, but they found the right guy to talk to. (42:49)

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