Family Secrets
Episode 69, May 27, 2021, 04:46 PM
Nina Grunfeld founded LifeClubs in 2004 to help people become happier and more self-confident. LifeClubs runs workshops globally.
At the age of 21, Nina was told by her ‘dad’ that he wasn’t her dad after all. Her blood father had already died. In that moment Nina was forced to question everything she believed about herself and her background.
Nina is currently collecting interviews of similar stories for a book. If you know anyone who was not told the whole story about their father when they were young, she would love to interview them.
Most stories are anonymous. The book is being written to address the feelings that one has on being told the truth and is primarily to help those in the future to whom this might happen. Atm Nina is not looking for those who have been adopted.
With thanks for any help - please contact