#NewWorldReport: Turmoil continues in Colombia. Senadora Maria Fernanda Cabal. @MariaFdaCabal, Joseph Humire @JMHumire @SecureFreeSoc https://www.securefreesociety.org

Jun 08, 2021, 12:35 AM

Photo: Peruvian demonstrators set cars afire.  Screen grab from video.

More than 50 people have died since a wave of protests started to sweep across Colombia at the end of April. Protesters have blocked key roads leading to shortages of fuel and food in some areas and there have been violent clashes between the security forces and demonstrators.

CBS Eye on the World with John Batchelor
CBS Audio Network

#NewWorldReport: Turmoil continues in Colombia. Senadora Maria Fernanda Cabal. @MariaFdaCabal ,Joseph Humire @JMHumire @SecureFreeSoc
