Mysteries and Monsters: Episode 104 Nick Redfern

Jan 04, 2021, 06:01 AM

Nick Redfern returns to Mysteries and Monsters to help us kick of the new year in style and act as our guide as we delve into the mysteries of the red planet and his book "The Martians".

Mars has captivated us for centuries, from the Romans and Greeks up to the present day and our current exploration of the planet's surface. Nick and I discuss many of the aspects of his book, from the alleged sightings of canal's upon the surface, weird anomalies sighted in photographs, secret NASA programs and the potential for a civilisation ending event that could have been responsible for the end of a Martian civilisation.

Nick also covers a couple of cases from his preceding book "Monsters Of The Deep" too as we look at strange creatures in the London underground and creepy sandwich stealing ghost in a pit.

It was great to have Nick return to the show and both of his most recent books are highly recommended.

Nick's website is here:

His books can be found here:

Thank you again to Nick for joining me this week.

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All  artwork by Dean Bestall and the show was produced by Brennan Storr of  the Ghost Story Guys. 

Mysteries and Monsters is a part of the Straight Up Strange Network.   

#NickRedfern #Mars #Monolith #Quatermass #Aliens #Martians #Canals #NASA #TheMartians #MonstersoftheDeep #Asteroid #Phobos #ESA #Artefacts #RedPlanet #Panspermia