Mysteries and Monsters: Episode 69 TruthProof with Paul Sinclair
Jun 01, 2020, 11:34 AM
I'm delighted to welcome back Paul Sinclair to Mysteries and Monsters to take us for a return trip to East Yorkshire and the continuing series of weird phenomena that continues unabated across the area.
With new witnesses, new sightings and more strange tales, Paul certainly has plenty of peculiar cases to bring to our attention. We cover stange lights, haunting phantoms walking along the high tides, missing time, cryptids, phantoms and UAP/UFO sightings.
We also cover Paul's upcoming new book, The Night People which turns the focus on to some of his own experiences, from his childhood up to the present day!
Always a pleasure to have Paul on the show and I hope you enjoy it.
Paul's books are here:
His Youtube Channel is here:
Don't forget Nash and the Chasing Legends guys have launched their kickstarter which we mentioned on Episode 61, you can check them out here.
Thanks again to Paul for coming on the show.
With new witnesses, new sightings and more strange tales, Paul certainly has plenty of peculiar cases to bring to our attention. We cover stange lights, haunting phantoms walking along the high tides, missing time, cryptids, phantoms and UAP/UFO sightings.
We also cover Paul's upcoming new book, The Night People which turns the focus on to some of his own experiences, from his childhood up to the present day!
Always a pleasure to have Paul on the show and I hope you enjoy it.
Paul's books are here:
His Youtube Channel is here:
Don't forget Nash and the Chasing Legends guys have launched their kickstarter which we mentioned on Episode 61, you can check them out here.
Thanks again to Paul for coming on the show.
Don't forget, you can now show your support with our Merchandise shop on Redbubble! Check it out here!
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#PaulSinclair #EastYorkshire #UAPs #UFO #UFOS #USMilitary #Ghosts #Lights #BrownMountainLights #HessdalenLights #SkinwalkerRanch #Werewolves #BlackShucks #Bargast #Phantoms #Werewolves #Aliens #TheNightPeople #TruthProof #Bempton #Bridlington #Army #MissingTime #Abduction #TruthProof