Mayo in the Revolutionary Decade

Jun 11, 2021, 04:00 AM

Despite a notable revolutionary pedigree—scene of a French invasion in support of the 1798 Rebellion and cradle of the Land League in 1879—Mayo was a ‘slow starter’ in the War of Independence, with major IRA engagements with Crown forces only starting in the spring of 1921. It was also the scene of major agrarian unrest.
Listen to History Ireland editor, Tommy Graham, in discussion with James Laffey, Sinéad MacCoole, Cormac O’Malley and Dominic Price.
The Hedge School series of podcasts is produced by History Ireland and the Wordwell Group. For more information or to subscribe, visit
This Hedge School is supported by The Department of Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media and Mayo County Library

Image: The IRA’s West Mayo flying column after the successful ambush at Carrowkennedy, 2 June 1921. (Courtesy of the Leonard Collection.)