Hillbilly Deadtime Stories Ep 24 Ghost of Eliza

Jun 16, 2021, 11:00 PM

There are several reasons why paranormal activity may escalate in a location.
Sometimes its poltergeist activity that’s from an array of emotions caused by a prepubescent teen.
Other times it may be because of a stressful environment such as a family dealing with a divorce or tragic death of a loved one.
These are cases where the energy from a person or household plays a role in the activity.
There are other situations that can cause paranormal activity.
Some could include bringing home an attachment from a haunted location or conjuring a spirit through a ritual or Ouija board.
One of the most common ways to ensure that paranormal activity goes through the roof, is to do some remodeling…

Introduction voice over by Leebo Jakes from Lexington Paranormal Research Society 
Narrated by Jerry Paulley 
Video by HHH Media 
Written by: Jerry Paulley 
Closing song: Kid Riot