The announcement from here, Chiang Mai

Jun 17, 2021, 09:19 AM

Announcement over small town tannoy system in a Thailand station, recorded by Alex Boyesen. 

"I recorded this from outside of my studio door.  The local village community that I am a part of  - Tumbol Palan - has a tannoy system in which the Puya Baan (Head villager) will announce things to everyone living there.  

"This can range from deals that a farmer may have for food they have grown, upcoming events such as village gatherings, who has died, warnings about weather/Covid-19 and so on or simply to say hello and hope everyone is well and to come and visit him if there are any problems to report."

Part of the 5,000 Miles project in partnership with Ithaca Studio, an immersive 360-degree audio experience that transports you to another place through the evocative sounds of places 5,000 miles from the UK through spatial audio technology and ambisonic 3D recording. 

The project was an immersive live experience touring festivals in 2021, and is presented online via Cities and Memory at