Episode 56 - Fergus Crawley - Competing in X-Tri races, some of the most insane triathlons in the world

Jul 07, 2021, 03:42 PM

Fergus is a pretty inspirational chap. To date he has raised £96,282 for mental health, supporting the incredible work carried out by Movember.
He is a former powerlifter turned hybrid athlete (specialising in both strength and endurance), who performs challenges for charity. Recently, he did a 227kg/501lb back squat, ran a sub 5 minute mile, and completed a marathon in the same day!

Fergus has now started competing in X-Tri races. The X-Tri World Tour is  a journey of the most incredible extreme triathlons in unique and spectacular places, where the richness of culture is tangible. We chat all about it in this episode.

I've also set up a Patreon if you'd like to help support the channel for less than the price of a fancy London coffee and croissant: https://www.patreon.com/chrishallrides


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The following companies (that you'll see in my content) support me either financially or with free stuff, so huge thanks to these guys for helping me with the challenges I take on
Attacus Cycling, 
Lazer Helmets, 
Schwalbe Tires,
Parcours Wheels,
Sungod Eyewear,