DJ Ben Hop "Best Kept Secret" Guest Mcklezie (Of Grind Mode)

Jul 12, 2021, 05:46 PM

"The Best Kept Secret" every Monday from 7 pm-9 pm (ET) with Host DJ Ben Hop and Co-Host Shai Will. Showcasing Independent Artist from all over the world. Submit your music for airplay by going to and click on the "Submit Music" tab for all the information. To request your favorite Indie song, call us at 305-749-6004. This episode's special guest Mcklezie (Of Grind Mode), and music from Tony Sunshine, Karter Lee, Freedom Reborn, Aura, Kettie, DMoney Martinez, Chase Dat Truth, Superstar Kay, and Tone Redd. Tune in and support new music.

(Recorded 7-5-2021)