Clash of Titans: the US-China rivalry

Season 1, Episode 137,   Aug 07, 2020, 10:50 AM

The strategic rivalry between the People’s Republic of China and the United States of America is one of the dominant geopolitical trends of our time. Now, with the onset of the coronavirus crisis, this rivalry has been steadily intensifying.

So how should we think about this clash between world’s premier powers? And how will this contest resolve itself?

Jack Dickens hosts Bruno Maçães, renowned voyager, political theorist and geopolitical strategist, to find out more. Bruno joins the podcast from Lisbon.

The strategic rivalry between the People’s Republic of China and the United States of America is one of the dominant geopolitical trends of our time. Now, with the onset of the coronavirus crisis, this rivalry has been steadily intensifying. 

So how should we think about this clash between world’s premier powers? And how will this contest resolve itself? 

Jack Dickens hosts Bruno Maçães, renowned voyager, political theorist and geopolitical strategist, to find out more. Bruno joins the podcast from Lisbon.