Oscar Rewind: Boyhood

Season 4, Episode 139,   Aug 09, 2021, 01:00 PM

Remember back in 2014/15 when everyone would not stop talking about this indie movie that had been filming for the last twelve years following the story of young boy growing up in Texas? We do. While the concept was kind of cool, Linklater could have at least written an interesting story...but that's just our opinion.

Tell us how you feel about Boyhood. Did it live up to the hype for you? Find us on Twitter and Instagram where we talk about Oscar movies and more! 

#Oscars #BestPicture #Boyhood #RichardLinklater #OscarRewind #BestSupportingActress #BestSupportingActor #BestDirector #BestOriginalScreenplay #BestFilmEditing #Oscars2015