#759 Ketamine-Assisted Therapy with Journey Clinical Founder Jonathan Sabbagh

Jul 21, 2021, 04:56 PM

Jonathan Sabbagh spent 20 years working in finance, where he built two businesses from the ground up. After experiencing an intense burnout, he was eventually diagnosed with PTSD. After therapy and medications failed to help him, Jonathan found relief in a series of traditional ayahuasca ceremonies and ketamine-assisted psychotherapy, experiences where he discovered he needed to lead a more integrated life and to be in service to others. Jonathan decided to quit finance and go back to school to study clinical psychology. As he set off on his journey, he felt the need to integrate his entrepreneurial skills into his new path of becoming a psychedelic therapist. He realized that he could apply his skills as a company builder to expand access to legal psychedelic treatments starting with ketamine. In 2020, Jonathan co-founded Journey Clinical to empower self-employed licensed clinicians and small practices to offer ketamine-assisted psychotherapy to their clients while remaining indepe...

Jonathan Sabbagh spent 20 years working in finance, where he built two businesses from the ground up. After experiencing an intense burnout, he was eventually diagnosed with PTSD. After therapy and medications failed to help him, Jonathan found relief in a series of traditional ayahuasca ceremonies and ketamine-assisted psychotherapy, experiences where he discovered he needed to lead a more integrated life and to be in service to others. Jonathan decided to quit finance and go back to school to study clinical psychology. As he set off on his journey, he felt the need to integrate his entrepreneurial skills into his new path of becoming a psychedelic therapist. He realized that he could apply his skills as a company builder to expand access to legal psychedelic treatments starting with ketamine. In 2020, Jonathan co-founded Journey Clinical to empower self-employed licensed clinicians and small practices to offer ketamine-assisted psychotherapy to their clients while remaining independent.
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