Your Eyes Also Need SPF

Season 1, Episode 894,   Jul 27, 2021, 08:30 AM

While most people know that the sun causes skin damage, few seem to realise it is just as damaging to their eyes – increasing the chances of developing conditions such as premature cataract, age-related macular degeneration, and growths on the eye. 

New report from the Association of Optometrists finds that more than half of adults fail to protect their eyes from UV rays despite their damaging and long-lasting effects. 

Today to explain how to best protect our eyes, we spoke with Optometrist and Clinical and Regulatory Advisor with the Association of Optometrist, Aishah Fazlanie.

For more information:

Image shows a sunscreen bottle with a drawing of a sun wearing sunglasses and  'SPF for your eyes' and '#EyeSPF' written on it.