Can the City of London be the world’s first to deliver climate commitments?

Jul 13, 2021, 09:29 AM

The way the City of London measures success is constantly changing. A new generation of discerning consumers has skyrocketed the importance of environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG) to company decision-makers. The finance sector is increasingly being seen as the next frontier in climate action. As the City navigates the post-Brexit landscape and our pandemic recovery it will also be tasked with redefining its role on the world stage. How will the government's net-zero commitment and the targets in the Paris Agreement factor into corporate decision-making? How will banks and other financial institutions change how they weigh up sustainable investment choices? And what impact could all this have on the broader economy? Join Spectator journalists, politicians and industry experts as they discuss The City's future climate and environmental agenda.  In collaboration with WWF.