Hillbilly Deadtime Stories Ep 30 The Legend of Gilbert Spencer

Jul 28, 2021, 11:21 PM

Living in Kentucky, I have been blessed to have heard so many great local stories involving the paranormal, UFOs, Cryptids or at the very least stories that were basically unexplainable.
Some are very well known such as the horrific suffering that went on in Waverly Hills Sanatorium while it was a fully functional tuberculosis hospital.
The tales of hauntings since its closing are known world-wide.
Of course, the same can be said of Bobby Mackey’s Music World, dubbed the worlds most haunted nightclub.
There are other stories that are well renowned, such as the Pope Lick Monster, a half man, half goat creature that lures you to a active train track, sometimes resulting in death.
This Goatman will be the subject of its own episode very soon.
Kentucky, like most other states, have hundreds of lesser-known legends…one of which is the legend of Gilbert Spencer

Introduction voice over by Leebo Jakes from Lexington Paranormal Research Society 
Narrated by Jerry Paulley 
Video by HHH Media 
Written by: Jerry Paulley 
Closing song: Kid Riot

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