China’s new nuclear intimidation.

Jul 29, 2021, 01:02 AM

Photo: Chinese emperor.

In a landscape in the middle, a Chinese man, an emperor, stands before a throne with stairs under a natural canopy. On the left are two men, on the right is a man with a parasol. Around the scene, an ornamented frame with garlands, vases with flowers, seed beads, floral motifs, wingèd figures and a dragon. In the bottom margin, a two-line French and German text.

China’s new nuclear intimidation. 

Rick Fisher, senior Fellow on Asian Military Affairs of the International Assessment and Strategy Center, and @GordonGChang, Gatestone, Newsweek, The Hill.

“. . . the CCP for decades abjured nuclear transparency and nuclear arms control for its weapons, while it carefully cultivated an image of nuclear restraint. This nuclear deception was summed up in China’s 2019 Defence White Paper . . . The era of a ‘minimum’ Chinese nuclear force is over”