Sober Socials with Michael Sargood

Episode 141,   Aug 06, 2021, 02:00 PM

Janey talks with Michael Sargood who has set up sober socials about the importance of connection and support and there is a new date for our Sober Club retreats

Janey talks about the recent news stories around alcohol, and the importance of connection and chats to Michael Sargood who has set up socials in Southend Essex (the home of Janey's Sober by the sea retreats) They talk about how alcohol seems like your best friend - till it isn't!
@SouthendSoberSocials for Facebook and Insta, @SoberSocialsUK for Twitter
If you want to focus on connection, health and wellbeing join us in The Sober Club for inspiration accountability and support

New dates for our retreats Sat Sept 4th and Sat Sept 25
All the info here, its v small and for you whether you are sober curious or been sober for years, its all about the selfcare