Masters of The Legend of Drizzt: Revelations of The Universe

Season 2, Episode 21,   Aug 11, 2021, 11:35 PM

A discussion of the recent statements by R.A. Salvatore relating to recognition of problematic tropes in the Legend of Drizzt series, and thoughts on Masters of the Universe: Revelation.

Sometimes you don't have a book scheduled, but you do have a chance to talk about two of the most influential and famous fantasy franchises in existence.

This week the guys delve into the statements recently made by R.A. Salvatore regarding the recognition and attempts to course correct racist tropes in his Legend of Drizzt series based in the Dungeons and Dragons setting of the Forgotten Realms. They talk implications for both the books and the game of D&D itself, as well as the respect and care Salvatore has put into making these changes.

Our heroes then spend some time discussing how many butthurt little neckbeard babies there are out there crying about the new Masters of the Universe: Revelation series.
*Spoiler alert* They think you're an idiot if you're upset about it.

Finally, Bob, being a Masters of the Universe TRUE FAN, gives Rance a difficult quiz based on the original cartoon, and 80's movie era of the franchise.

P.S. This podcast is NSFW.  Please do not hold your device above your head while around co-workers or children proclaiming you "have the power," or you'll probably be fired/punched in the face by a parent.


The Legend of Drizzt series by R.A. Salvatore

If you'd like to check out the article we discussed, you can find it here:

Masters of the Universe: Revelation

You can find the series on Netflix here:

OUR THEME MUSIC IS: “First Strike” by: Jacob Lizotte.
You can listen to it on YouTube: or purchase it on his website here:


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