India earns a permanent seat on the Security Council. Cleo Paskal, @CleoPaskal Foundation for Defense of Democracies. @GordonGChang, Gatestone, Newsweek, The Hill.

Aug 12, 2021, 12:56 AM

Photo: United Nations Security Council meeting.

India earns a permanent seat on the Security Council.  Cleo Paskal, @CleoPaskal Foundation for Defense of Democracies.  @GordonGChang, Gatestone, Newsweek, The Hill.

Cleo Paskal, associate Fellow at Chatham House; Adjunct Faculty in the Department of Geopolitics, Manipal University, India;  adjunct professor of Global Change, School of Communication and Management Studies, Kochi, India. Non-resident senior Fellow, Foundation for Defense of Democracies,  @CleoPaskal