Hillbilly Deadtime Stories Ep 34 Legends of Mt.Zion

Aug 18, 2021, 10:00 AM

The one thing that is certain about the Appalachian Mountain communities is that they have hours and hours of legends of the area to tell anyone willing to listen
Many of these legends can’t necessarily be verified but they are ingrained in the fabric of the towns in which they originate from
As you would imagine, many of these stories are along the lines of the paranormal or the unexplained
These stories are orally passed down from generation to generation.
One of these communities is Mountain Town at the foot of Mount Zion in Georgia
Today, you will learn a few stories that the many locals consider to be fact

Introduction voice over by Leebo Jakes from Lexington Paranormal Research Society 
Narrated by Jerry Paulley 
Written by: Jerry Paulley 
Closing song: Kid Riot