Tips On How to Lose Weight if We Have Put On a Few Pounds or More During Lockdown…

Season 1, Episode 824,   Aug 27, 2021, 09:00 AM

With the Paralympics on at the moment we all might be feeling we could maybe try and get a bit fitter and over all the lockdowns perhaps some of us may have put on an extra pound or two.  

So in this week's catch up with Pharmacist Elizabeth Roddick from New Life Pharmacy in Glasgow, Connect Radio's Toby Davey finds out from Elizabeth how being overweight can have an effect on recovery from Covid, what being obese means for your health, how measuring obesity has changed from BMI (body mass index) and some tips on how to lose a few pounds.

Elizabeth also comments on recent reports on antibody testing which indicates that the vaccine cover may be waning and that some people may in fact benefit from booster vaccination jabs as we come into autumn and early winter.

To get in touch with Elizabeth Roddick email or for more information visit

Image:  Picture showing Elizabeth standing in her pharmacy, dressed in her white pharmacist coat and a colourful bandana around her neck, she's smiling. warmly at the camera with her hands slightly raised.