New Product Available & Implementing Zoho, Ep. 29

Episode 29,   Aug 27, 2021, 06:40 PM


We've launched quite a few new products! Check out our Bikefit product page to see the variety of Cleat Angle Adapters available to help improve your pedal stroke! We also discuss the implementation of Zoho, our new business management system and explain our future integration with design to manufacturing to customer organization.

It's only August, but our little 3D printing elves have been busing filling our shelves in preparation for winter sales! We've quietly, yet not so quietly been adding more and more varieties of our cleat angle adapter packs both on our website and Amazon store! Check out the availability as well as our new Cleat Safeguard Shim and Pedal Washers! We've also been extremely focused on implementing our new cloud organization platform and discuss how we plan to "Predator-ize" the Zoho software package to elevate our internal workflows.