6/7: "Mother Treason," a story from the collection, "Gordon Liddy Is My Muse," by John Calvin Batchelor. Read by John Batchelor.

Aug 29, 2021, 01:07 AM

Photo: A view of the offices of the KGB Soviet State Police located on Dzerzhinski Circle, a few blocks from Red Square.. ("KGB Soviet State Police building, 1985")

Recall Felix Edmundovich Dzerzhinsky, nicknamed "Iron Felix", a Bolshevik revolutionary and official. Born into Polish nobility, from 1917 until his death in 1926 Dzerzhinsky led the first two Soviet state-security organizations, the Cheka  (based on the Russian acronym ВЧК) and the OGPU, establishing a secret police for the post-revolutionary Soviet regime. He was one of the architects of the Red Terror and decossackization. 

The Cheka became notorious for mass summary executions, performed especially during the Red Terror and the Russian Civil War


6/7: "Mother Treason," a story from the collection, "Gordon Liddy Is My Muse," by John Calvin Batchelor.  Read by John Batchelor.
