Honest Work

Episode 17,   Sep 05, 2021, 03:57 AM

Photo by ian dooley on Unsplash

Wow! Has it been along week. As I leave my place of employment I wonder as to the effects of My Efforts. Do you ever consider the impacts of your work? On Yourself, or Others? Work is such a tricky Topic. Many question wither it should be necessary, or if the style of work we now inhabit is an Illusion. Either way, I want to dig into the different styles of Jobs. And, the Social Impact of what we do. We may have moved away from the Farm, yet we still all have to eat. Thankyou for your attention! I really can't express how fulfilling it is to try to make this show. I hope it helps some of You out there!

Email Me @ thegingerbreadmansdialogues@gmail.com