Veterinary Toxicology and Pathology 101: The Nuts and Bolts of Becoming an Expert

Episode 69,   Sep 16, 2021, 10:00 PM

Monique Y. Wells, VMD, MS, entered the University of Pennsylvania at the young age of 16, and Penn’s Veterinary School at 20. She completed this program by age 24, then proceeded directly to graduate school at The Ohio State University, earning a Master’s degree in veterinary pathobiology at the age of 28.

Now, as a resident of Paris since 1992, veterinary pathologist and toxicologist, world traveler, entrepreneur and arts enthusiast, Wells' understands the vast need to expose minorities to educational and cultural opportunities that will allow them to have a richer, more rewarding life. 

Additionally, Wells' work within fast-paced academia has taken her around the globe. She has spoken at events in China, Germany, India, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, and the USA.

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