Finding Our Way with Euan Ryan – Making films, climbing and hidden disabilities

Season 1, Episode 2,   Sep 21, 2021, 11:01 PM

In this one we sit down with Glasgow-based photographer and filmmaker Euan Ryan to talk getting hit by rocks, why climbing is a strange sport full of brilliant people, mental health journeys, chronic illness, hidden disabilities and the taboo of ‘poo issues’. Euan has documented para-climbers on the Eiger, climbing with autism, and the mental healing that climbing can offer in his most recent film, ‘We Need to Talk About Kev’. He also suffers from Crohn's disease, a painful and sometimes debilitating inflammatory bowel condition. 

In this episode of Finding Our Way, Euan, who suffers from Crohn’s Disease, talks about his chronic illness, managing a diagnosis and treatment. 

Show notes and full transcript available at

Follow Euan on Instagram @FinalCruxFilms & watch his films

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Finding Our Way is supported by Berghaus, and hosted by BMC walking ambassador Mary-Ann Ochota and expedition leader and equity champion Cress Allwood. Our editor is Chris Stone. The cover artwork was designed by Neil Arch.

Get involved with the conversation – share your thoughts on @TeamBMC on Instagram and Twitter with the hashtag #FindingOurWay.