What is Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) and How Best to Cope With It

Season 1, Episode 914,   Sep 23, 2021, 09:00 AM

With the night's drawing in and the evenings getting darker there are some people who find it difficult with mood changes at this time of the year and we do hear the term SAD mentioned quite a lot too.  

So in this week's RNIB Connect Radio catch up with Pharmacist Elizabeth Roddick from New Life Pharmacy in Glasgow our Toby Davey finds out from Elizabeth what seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is and how to cope with it through autumn and winter.

Elizabeth began by explaining to Toby what Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is and the exact cause of the condition. Toby asked Elizabeth what type of treatment their might be for SAD and whether taking vitamin D through the winter might help at all. 

There is some us useful information and helpful resources relating to Seasonal Affective Disorder on the MIND website which can be found by visiting the following link - 

To get in touch with Elizabeth Roddick email  Elizabeth.r@newlifepharmacy.co.uk or for more information visit https://newlifepharmacy.co.uk.

Image:  Picture showing Elizabeth standing in her pharmacy, dressed in her white pharmacist coat and a colourful bandana around her neck, she's smiling. warmly at the camera with her hands slightly raised.