Nova Reid - Own Your Shame To Be A Better Ally
Season 3, Episode 79, Sep 24, 2021, 01:49 PM
Nova Reid invites white British people to recognise the inherent racism of their national culture and to play a more active role in the anti-racism movement.
This week we’re sharing OMI with the award-winning anti-racism activist, educator, entrepreneur, TED speaker, media commentator and author Nova Reid.
It’s high time, she says, for white people to confront the “ugliness of anti-blackness” in Britain’s colonial history, to own their shame and move towards a future of “mutual transformation” and “collective healing”
Get your copy of THE GOOD ALLY from Primrose Hill Books HERE
It’s high time, she says, for white people to confront the “ugliness of anti-blackness” in Britain’s colonial history, to own their shame and move towards a future of “mutual transformation” and “collective healing”
Get your copy of THE GOOD ALLY from Primrose Hill Books HERE