Care homes, Covid and joining up systems

Season 21, Episode 19,   Sep 30, 2021, 05:00 AM

A care home manager and a care home owner in Lancashire share their pandemic experiences and talk about plans to improve the way information about patients flows between the NHS and social care.

They are part of a programme to introduce digital systems which can be accessed by different parts of the NHS and social care, made possible with funding from NHSx.

Our guests are Dawn Johnson, manager of Oaklands Nursing Home in Burnley; and Jim Page, owner of Turfcote Manor care home in Rossendale, Lancashire, who talk to the Innovation Agency’s Caroline Kenyon.

The Innovation Agency Care Homes Safety Network is open to everyone working in care homes and in roles connecting with care homes.

Meetings take place four times a year, promoting collaboration and co-production of new procedures in high quality care, managing deterioration and medicine safety.

To join the network, please email: