Episode 25 - Loki and the Lokis

Episode 25,   Jul 02, 2021, 08:29 PM

This week's episode is a terrible game of actions and consequences, and then the gals get around to talking about Episode 4 of Loki.

There are definitely NO mentions of the stupidest moon ever, no mentions at all. The gals struggle between love and hate with the highs (KNEEL!, Sif, and Team B-15!) and lows (why do the scripts feel like they were chopped up by the Swedish Chef on a wild LSD trip, and speaking of muppets, why does one of the Time Keepers look like the Lorax?).

Also, don't forget that we keep going on the 190 Proof episode! The weekly Hiddles handprn update, is Lokicest really incest, and why we are firmly Team LokiGator. It's ALL THERE: patreon.com/drunkmythologygals

*** From Olympus to Valhalla, we've got the goods on the gods, so join Cait, Gen, the Other Jenn, and SFX Kim as they spike and spill all the divine tea! If you'd like to support our podcast, head over to PATREON where we'll be uploading ad-free episodes, bonus episodes, and SO MUCH MORE!

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