Millennial South Korea pushes back at Kim shake-downs. @JoshRogin

Oct 07, 2021, 12:22 AM

Photo:    South Korean aid convoy entering North Korea through the Demilitarized Zone, 1998

"Ju-cheh means: how to be a successful shakedown artist" --J Bolton

"In the twilight years of the George W. Bush administration, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice de-listed North Korea from the State Sponsor of Terrorism list, even though Pyongyang was, according to the Congressional Research Service, in deep with the Tamil Tigers and Hezbollah. Rice succumbed to a common second term pattern and threw a Hail Mary pass to change Bush’s foreign policy legacy, but like many desperate last minute moves, hers ended in failure."  —Michael Rubin

Millennial South Korea pushes back at Kim shake-downs. @JoshRogin