Ep. 303: The Stigma of Black Girl Magic: Sis, We Been Breaking Boundaries Since Genesis

Season 3, Episode 3,   Oct 13, 2021, 03:45 AM

It’s another #RealFriendWednesday! Get into this week’s episode with special guest, Rev. Dr. Jada M. Harris as we talk spiritual boundaries, accepting God’s will, spiritual rest, and SOOOO much more. Jada is a 2012 Spelman College graduate with a Masters in Medical Science and  Doctorate in Medicine from Morehouse School of Medicine.  She is currently a Family Medicine Doctor at Kennestone Hospital  in Marietta, GA. She has all the credentials and is the epitome of black excellence! This episode is definitely full of gems! We hope you’re ready!
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Show Notes:
0:00 - Welcome
1:30 - Introduction of Rev. Dr. Jada M. Harris
4:42 - The Thing About It: Naomi Osaka and Simone Biles prioritizing their mental health and establishing boundaries
7:56 - What do boundaries look like in the spiritual realm? 
12:00 - Breaking God’s boundaries changes His original intent/purpose for you
16:45 - Have the right people in your corner that can call you out!
19:30 - How to establish healthy boundaries
24:15 - God will use whoever/whatever to get you back in alignment
28:12 - New levels call for new boundaries
28:45 - The weight of being elevated
29:43 - Destination Kingdom is a ministry?!
31:00 - What does an encounter with the Holy Spirit look like?
37:26 - Being desperate to hear from God
41:40 - Be content with God’s “no” or “not yet”
43:40 - Mary J. Blige and Toni Braxton had us in TEARS!!! (Hurt Girl Secrets)
46:00 - Tell your family to let your Ex go!
47:30 - If “it” makes you anxious, CUT IT OFF!
50:30 - The wrap up, “Hold On Tight and Live” - Rev. Dr. Harris

Jada's Instagram: