Are we OK?

Oct 14, 2021, 11:34 AM

Piazza Dalmazia, Florence reimagined by Mike Rucinski.

"The original recording from the Piazza Dalmazia was almost ten minutes long, so I knew some careful selection was required in order to draw out a narrative. On second listen it became clear that while this was a busy street with people, vehicles and cafes / shops, a darker undertone began to present itself in the form of coughing people, and lots of them. This coughing, combined with the distinctive Italian siren sound became the sonic framework for this piece. 

"I added some piano, played while listening to the original recording, and layered, morphed, looped and snipped many elements from the original recording to build a feeling of busy Italy, intense city movement, and the safety of indoors vs the uncertainty of outdoor life in 2020/21; as many of us have felt strong anxiety brought on by public places and human interaction in recent times. While this piece represents the dark in life, there is also very much a feeling of uplift and positivity layered alongside, waiting to come forward stronger than ever."