Will the new mayor secure Penn/Moynihan Station? @HarrySiegel @NYDailyNews

Oct 20, 2021, 01:34 AM

Photo: The glorious old Beaux-Arts  Penn. RR Station from Gimbel's N.Y. (Gimbels no longer exists.) The demolition of that magnificent structure by barbarians began in October 1963, to the outrage of architects, aesthetes, and the citizenry in general. Today, the impressively inefficient, dirty and vagrant-infested current Penn Station is being replaced by a new, less-accessible station named for Senator Moynihan in a splendid post office building long hailed for its architecture.  The new interior has been decorated by someone fond of nontraditional art.

Will the new mayor secure Penn/Moynihan Station? @HarrySiegel @NYDailyNews