Better Lawns and Gardens - Hour 2 How To Select A Citrus Tree October 23, 2021

Season 2, Episode 128,   Oct 24, 2021, 12:48 AM


Better Lawns and Gardens, Florida's most popular gardening show with gardening expert Teresa Watkins.

Better Lawns and Gardens Hour 2 - Host Teresa Watkins discusses resurgence of planting citrus with Lance Walheim, author of Citrus:: Complete Guide to Selecting & Growing More Than 100 Varieties for California, Arizona, the Gulf Coast, and Florida.  Topics, calls, and texts, include Teresa's Dirty Word of the Day, moles vs voles, sterilizing weeds, topping avocado trees, orangewood tree, oak limbs falling, Italian cypress turning brown, replace with a Shumard, Nuttall, or Winged Elm? and more.

Graphic credits: Lance Walheim, Teresa Watkins

Need bulbs for Winter and Spring? Check out Brent and Becky's Bulbs!

Listen to Better Lawns and Gardens every Saturday 7 am - 9 am EST. 
Call in with your garden questions 1.888.455.2867, or text 23680. 
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