UNCENSORED with Marien Sarriera: Getting Bloody Real - Part Two
Season 2, Episode 347, Oct 26, 2021, 07:37 PM
For Part One: https://youtu.be/64rV6r3IRXE
On this episode of UNCENSORED we get Bloody Real with Chef Megan Kulluk and have an Open Conversation about different topics such as personal space, bleeding onboard, picking up the slack, leadership vs. management, being the bad apple and more. Tune in to get bloody real with us.
To get in touch with Megan Kulluk email her at megankulluk@gmail.com for a good laugh follow her on her instagram @stuckatanchor
If you have something to say, a story to share or wisdom to pass on, email Marien at info@yachtsmermaids.com to be part of the UNCENSORED show or click here https://yachtsmermaids.as.me/ymmeetup
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On this episode of UNCENSORED we get Bloody Real with Chef Megan Kulluk and have an Open Conversation about different topics such as personal space, bleeding onboard, picking up the slack, leadership vs. management, being the bad apple and more. Tune in to get bloody real with us.
To get in touch with Megan Kulluk email her at megankulluk@gmail.com for a good laugh follow her on her instagram @stuckatanchor
If you have something to say, a story to share or wisdom to pass on, email Marien at info@yachtsmermaids.com to be part of the UNCENSORED show or click here https://yachtsmermaids.as.me/ymmeetup
#discrimination #equality #humanrights #harassment #metoo #employmentlaw #mentalhealth #lgbtq #sexualharassment #women #youtube #racialdiscrimination #lgbt #justice #sexism #peace #crewplacement #crewplacementagency #men #equalityforall #silence #gagged #speakup #uncensored #healing #trauma #mentalhealth #crew #recovery #yachtinginternationalradio