For Cleaner Seas: Why We Should Care About Our Cleaning with Ecoworks

Season 2, Episode 357,   Nov 02, 2021, 07:21 PM

Being on our boats we are living directly in one of THE MOST important ecosystems on our planet, alongside an array of habitats and hosts of species and marine fauna. It makes sense, then, that what we do on and around the water has a pretty immediate impact on the health of our oceans.

In this episode we speak with Angus Johnston, Co-founder of Ecoworks, about ‘greywater’ and what it means when most drains lead to the sea...

For more about Clean Sailors and Ecoworks Marine, see the links below:

Ecoworks Marine

Holly Manvell

Clean Sailors

Cleaner Marina

@cleansailors @cleanermarina @hollyandthesea @ecoworksmarine

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