Jocelyn Buckner, 11.7.21 Sedona Vortex Tour Guide, Bradshaw Ranch, ET, UFO, Paranormal

Nov 05, 2021, 08:15 PM

Reality is in the mind of the perceiver. Paranormal hot spots like Sedona challenge one to open their mind to a greater perception of reality.

Gold from the archives - Jocelyn Buckner was there for the splitting of Giant Rock. That's a whole different show - but the nugget from that event - is that a woman no one else remembered seeing told her she would relocate to Sedona.
The seemingly magical happenings that ensued eliminated any potential roadblocks and she moved her family to Sedona.

An intuitive and an experiencer - Jocelyn was a Sedona Vortex tour guide for 20 years. One amazing experience at the Bradshaw Ranch defies reason and maybe our physics.

[Info: History of the ranch as a movie location site and tours.] 

Regarding the Vortex Experience, Jocelyn writes: "Vortices are considered “power activators,” and quite often people feel a tremendous connection to the land in a vortex site. Some people experience a momentary surge of energy and weightlessness and a sense of joy and happiness. Whatever you may experience is beneficial to your spiritual growth, but it is important to remember that not everyone reacts to the vortex energy the same way."

Again, this show is from my archive recordings and not the same show that previously aired on KCMO radio.

Setting the tone:
CNN Travel Review with Jocelyn, 2011.
A tourists' sighting. Link.

Jocelyn's website on wordpress.
Wendy's blog sites:

About Bradshaw Ranch. 2nd Edition. Merging Dimensions. Authors Tom Dongo and Linda Bradshaw.

Amazon Review: Filbert
"Having listened to online accounts of this ranch, this is an absolutely valid account. Talks about bigfoot, the greys, some angel like positive beings that come out of the portal on this property. They were forced to sell to the government which now owns the ranch. Even though there is a gate people climb it and explore the property. Abandoned ranch house, abandoned western town used in the cowboy films from the 50s-60s. Supposed to be a research project which is just a cover for what the govt is really doing there.

Linda Bradshaw has amazing stories which you should read. Photos are why I bought it to see the entities and the orbs etc. Fascinating. Worth the money."

Tom Dongo Interview: Paranormal Sedona.
Related Blog post.