The GOAT of Hitmen Chester Wheeler Campbell

Season 1, Episode 30,   Oct 22, 2021, 04:49 AM

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*ep starts at 23:45

Today I’m going to talk about the Motor City Hitman-Chester Wheeler Campbell. One of the best assassins to work for the Mafia and Detroit Criminal Underground. He got a taste for murder in his mid-20s and decided to turn it into a career. He was so efficient that he was never directly tied to a murder once he became a full time hit man and enforcer. He was found with notebooks containing over 300 different names of potential targets, and 50 of those 300 were people who were missing or found dead. Today, I’ll talk about his early life, his early crime days, his prime assassin time, and how the authorities finally put him away for life.

Yall know our gust fro JFL, Comedy Central, Conan, and colber my fucking guy Shane Torres @shanetorres. Research done by producer DR Joe Hoffswell


Cippolini, C. (2013). Diary of a Motor City Hitman : The Chester Wheeler Campbell

Story. Strategic Media Books.