Oscar Rewind: Her
Season 4, Episode 151, Dec 13, 2021, 02:00 PM
*Sorry the sounds cuts out there for a little bit*
Spike Jonze's created a luscious world grounded in a reverent reality. Her is a unique take on relationships and vulnerability and is a wonderful futuristic twist on 'You've Got Mail'. Listen to us rave on and on about this best picture nominee and tell us what you think.
We're on Instagram and Twitter and we'd really love to hear from you!
Listen to our Joker episode if you like
Todd Hido's Untitled #2653
#Her #BestPicture #BestOriginalScreenplay #BestOriginalScore #BestOriginalSong #BestProductionDesign #Oscars #OscarRewind #Oscars2014
Spike Jonze's created a luscious world grounded in a reverent reality. Her is a unique take on relationships and vulnerability and is a wonderful futuristic twist on 'You've Got Mail'. Listen to us rave on and on about this best picture nominee and tell us what you think.
We're on Instagram and Twitter and we'd really love to hear from you!
Listen to our Joker episode if you like
Todd Hido's Untitled #2653
#Her #BestPicture #BestOriginalScreenplay #BestOriginalScore #BestOriginalSong #BestProductionDesign #Oscars #OscarRewind #Oscars2014