4/12: #CrossfireHurricaneDiary: Over three days, 2/28/17-3/4/17, Svetlana Lokhova is contacted by WSJ, WAPO, NYT, all of whom suspect her as a Russian agent. Svetlana Lokhova @TheRealSLokhova. #FriendsofHistoryDebatingSociety. @Batchelorshow

Nov 21, 2021, 12:01 AM

Photo:  WaPo, fair use

4/12: #CrossfireHurricaneDiary: Over three days, 2/28/17-3/4/17, Svetlana Lokhova is contacted by WSJ, WAPO, NYT, all of whom suspect her as a Russian agent. Svetlana Lokhova @TheRealSLokhova. #FriendsofHistoryDebatingSociety. @Batchelorshow


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