UNCENSORED with Marien Sarriera of Yachts Mermaids: Changing the Hidden Dark Side of Yachting

Season 2, Episode 376,   Nov 23, 2021, 06:28 PM

Sexual Harassment Onboard happens more often than we want to admit. Thanks to journalists like Jordan Page, courageous women have shared their stories to create a wave of awareness that acts as the foundation for regulations to change within the maritime industry to have a safer working environment at sea. Join Jordan and Marién for an Uncensored episode about why he wrote his latest article: The hidden dark side of the yachting industry for Cosmopolitan Uk and how this has impacted his and the lives of others inside and outside the yachting industry. 

To Read the article, click here


Download the Crew Support PDF and stick it to the crew board. Click here https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5ce6e65f034ef80001c156a1/t/5f6be80a84605d53eb998fdb/1600907280175/crewsupportnew.pdf

If you have something to say, a story to share, or wisdom to pass on, email Marien at info@yachtsmermaids.com to be part of the UNCENSORED show or click here https://yachtsmermaids.as.me/ymmeetup 

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