244 - Disability Justice (w/ Lateef McLeod)

Nov 23, 2021, 10:39 PM

This week Lateef Mcleod joins the Wrong Boys to discuss the principles of Disability Justice, why accessibility is important for everyone, and how capitalism systematically reduces people to our labor power, denying our wholeness as human beings

We need your support to make this show!

Closing Theme Song by Spam Risk:  https://spamrisk.bandcamp.com/album/s-t


10 Principles Of Disability Justice: https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5bed3674f8370ad8c02efd9a/t/5f1f0783916d8a179c46126d/1595869064521/10_Principles_of_DJ-2ndEd.pdf
Lateef’s Article in Harbinger - ‘Social Ecology and Disability Justice: Making A New Society’: https://harbinger-journal.com/issue-1/social-ecology-and-disability-justice/
Pods and Pod Mapping Worksheet - Mia Mingus (Bay Area Transformative Justice Collective): https://batjc.wordpress.com/resources/pods-and-pod-mapping-worksheet/
Capitalism and Disability - Marta Russell and Ravi Malhorta (Socialist Register): https://socialistregister.com/index.php/srv/article/view/5784/2680
Lateef’s Poem ‘I am too pretty for some Ugly Laws’: https://getlitanthology.org/poemdetail/164/
Lateef’s Poem ‘Are you scared of me?’: https://www.riseandresist.org/blog/2018/9/11/are-you-scared-of-me
Autistic Hoya — A blog by Lydia X. Z. Brown: Ableism/Language: https://www.autistichoya.com/p/ableist-words-and-terms-to-avoid.html
Lateef’s Podcast - Black Disabled Men Talk: https://blackdisabledmentalk.com/